Please come learn about the topics that are being discussed in NA in the OK Region, Nationwide and Worldwide!
Everyone, Your Input is Welcome and Needed! This is Your Opportunity to Make Your Feelings and Opinions Known and to Hear Others as Well!
9:00 AM – OK Region: What We Do Now…. What’s Next?
An overview and update of the activities of the OK Region of Narcotics Anonymous. Topics will include our efforts to better reach addicts who are or were incarcerated in the OK Region, efforts to revitalize and reimage service in the Region, efforts to better serve addicts in rural, underserved and isolated communities within the Region, Social Media and our Region’s activities, including the Regional Convention (OKRCNA), Fall Spiritual Retreat, Clean & Crazy Campout, and the GSA.
11:00 AM – Fellowship Development: It’s Not Just Something That Happens “Somewhere Else”
What is Fellowship Development? In its most basic form, it’s about our Twelfth Step and the principle that if we try to help someone else attain the freedom we have found, we will be able to stay clean ourselves. There’s always more work to do in NA to grow our communities. This workshop is an opportunity to think about what more we can be doing locally to grow our Fellowship and carry the message. It’s a fun way to start thinking about planning the future development of our NA communities.
1:30 PM – Interim World Service Conference Motions
With the time between World Service Conferences being extended, from two years to three years, on a trial basis, the participants decided to have an interim WSC. The Delegate Team will present the 13 motions that will be considered at this interim conference. We will be collecting the Region’s conscience based on group votes. Please have a group representative in attendance so that your group’s voice may be heard!
4:00 PM – Virtual Meetings, Generation Gaps, Technology: Our Principles Don’t Change, But Our Practices Do.
We want to build bridges between virtual or hybrid and in-person NA communities, across generations, and across technology gaps that may make us feel like strangers to each other, even though addiction makes us one of a kind. As some communities use technology to include individuals we’ve never been able to reach before, others get left out if they don’t have tech access or ability. How do we move forward without leaving some of us behind? And how do we help the ones moving forward fastest still feel connected to NA as a whole.